‌The software provider for the footwear industry, digitally up-to-date and familiar with all modern trends.

‌When it comes to the shoe industry, we have been the leading specialist for software solutions in this sector in German-speaking spheres for years. ‌Our mission is to empower our clients with our products, services and expertise so they can develop, produce and distribute shoes successfully and over the long term. And we have been doing this passionately since the company started in 1971.

‌Our history has always been forward looking.

‌CPA SoftwareConsult GmbH was founded in 1971. ‌Since then our team has grown to over 60 employees and our clients to around 100. ‌Today we offer a wealth of experience spanning more than 50 years in the shoe and textile industries as well as for wholesale companies. ‌Based in Langenfeld in the Rhineland, we have been looking after companies and their locations across the world for decades.

Satisfied clients
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‌Our core competence is up to the minute yet timeless.

‌We provide companies from a wide range of industries with diverse software solutions and services. ‌However for 50 years our core competence has been in the fashion sector, especially in the shoe industry. ‌We are very well acquainted with the needs of this branch and have successfully assisted our clients through all the changes in this market segment, including consultation that is always target-oriented and with software solutions that are adapted to market requirements. ‌The focus here is on our ShoeFactory platform which assists you in all processes along the supply chain. ‌Just as with shoe fashion, we respond to trends in the digital sector while offering basic solutions that work reliably and timelessly – especially for companies that are looking for a reliable platform and a competent business partner to deliver on collection development, production and distribution.

‌Our technology network, infused with quality.

‌Our software solutions bear our name as we have custom developed these applications – namely cpa.ShoeFactory, cpa.LVS, cpa.b2bOnline, cpa.OrderBar, cpa.DataHub and cpa.SupplierPortal.
However we also incorporate software from other providers as part of our solutions. ‌And this is always based on a ‘high standard for high quality’ principle – one that also applies to the very accessible technology used in our DataCenter. ‌Many of these technology partnerships have existed for decades and have contributed to the optimisation of numerous solutions for both parties.

Our clients – business partners whose language we speak.

‌Partnership is a concept that we fill with life in our daily activities and takes the form of working closely with our clients in their day-to-day business. This enables us to thoroughly get to know their procedures, business processes and contacts, so we can react to changes quickly and without complications. ‌As a client, you always have a fixed contact at our company who will support you with a highly-qualified team in all situations needing cooperation. ‌Our partnership philosophy has just one goal – making you more successful in the long term.

For consultation, make an appointment

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